Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Interview with the Artist

THE INSPIRATION: Life Beyond Vision

 CAA: The Art World is like everything else, going through seismic shifts, in terms of what is “Art, “ what is legitimate artistic expression, guerrilla art, graffiti art, where do you fit into this evolving landscape?

Artist:  My work is very internally driven. My vision is informed by what I see behind or beyond the appearances that we show the world. When I first started painting professionally, I was struck by how much there is to see beyond our limited physical vision. When I paint, it’s that world that I see.


CAA: Ok, so it sounds like your work has a strong aesthetic driven by an artistic connection to the unseen, or at least what appears to be “unseen.”

Artist: Yes, that’s why I tend to create in brilliant saturated color, it’s what I see beyond the sometimes mundane or conflicted world in which we all live. I believe that underneath and behind the grittiness of our daily existence there lies a place that is untouched and that is pure in its brilliance. That’s what I see and what drives my creativity.

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