Friday, May 18, 2018

Interview with the Artist: New Work

 SOCIETY VS. THE INDIVIDUAL: The Self-Definition Series

So tell me about this series: Society vs. the Individual, it’s a common theme in literature and art, what is your take on this?

Artist: That we define, or should define ourselves from the inside out. 

: So “ you’re not what you are but who you are?”

Artist: More than that, it’s really taking control of your own internal self image, and allowing that image to control your view of yourself and most importantly to hold fast to that vision regardless of the overlaying of seemingly contrary impulses.

CAA: In this series which piece best speaks to that theme?

Artist: I think or at least I hope that they all do. But the first one in the series, is what started my thinking along those lines, “Let Your Light Shine”

: I like that, tell us about that piece, it’s really a cacophony of color.

Artist: Exactly. But it’s a little different technique for me. I painted almost uniform blocks of color with purposely irregular shards of gold and silver, intending to show the uniform track of our lives, day following night, months following years, again the theme of compartmentalizing, the gold and silver is who we really are trying to fight through the structures of conformity that we erect. The piece is intended to be a clarion call for self definition, to break through the clutter of sameness, even if masked with “pretty pictures” of seeming success or wealth.

: What about the piece “Transformations I”?

Transformations I

Artist:    It’s about what we’re all going through, knowingly or unknowingly. Nothing is static. This piece is about defining your own transformation—thus the cool colors, symbolizing control vs. randomness. Taking control of how you transform, vs. allowing circumstances to control you. Again self definition expressed.