Friday, March 2, 2018

Interview with the Artist: Social Relevance and Art

SOCIAL REVLEVANCE AND ART: The Life Disconnected Series

CAA: But what about social relevance? Is your work purely aesthetic?

Artist: No to the contrary, my work is fundamentally driven by social or political issues that are influencing how I create the aesthetic.

CAA: Give me an example.

Artist: Well for instance, my latest series: “Life Disconnected” is about the almost endemic disconnection that haunts modern life.

CAA: How so?

Artist: The way our lives have become at once compartmentalized and yet disconnected.

CAA: How do you show that in these pieces?

Artist: Upside down hearts, irregular edges, symbolizing the way in which traditional notions of love have been rejected, and re-formed. Notions of social function, and distinction, role playing all juxtaposed against what we may have been socialized to want, with the reality of what is.

CAA: But the colors are so pastel, almost dreamlike.

Artist: And intentionally so. The pastel colors in the background symbolize our desires for a certain simplistic denouement of our life. The bold jagged cut outs in black, purple and orange symbolize the crowding out of the simplistic by the complex and often harsh realities of our existence. Thus an explosion of tradition by reality.